Vehicle Overview
Just as its Ford Escape brethren got a new look, the Mazda Tribute has received some styling tweaks, including a new grille and interior, plus a rear window that now looks more like the Escape's.
See also:
Fully Automatic Type
Climate control information is displayed on the information display.
Information display
Control Switches
AUTO switch
By pressing the AUTO switch the
following functions will be automatical ...
Lighting Control
To turn on the lights, turn the headlight
switch on the end of the control lever.
To prevent discharging the battery, don't leave
the lights on while the engine is off unless ...
Mileage, Safety & Reliability
As I've said, the Mazda2 is related to the Fiesta, but one area where there's
a noticeable difference between the two is in the mileage department. Where the
Mazda gets an estimated 27-29 mpg in t ...