
The original Mazda 5 introduced new attributes to the compact multi-activity vehicle (C-MAV) segment in Europe in 2005, with the segment's only double sliding doors and innovative Karakuri seating and storage system, a comfortable and communicative interior and Zoom-Zoom handling and driving fun. Since launch, more than 275,000 units have been manufactured (through November 2007). Mazda 5 is the company's thirdbest-selling vehicle globally. In Europe, Mazda 5 quickly became a product essential to Mazda Motor Europe's continuing growth, with more than 100,000 units finding owners since launch (through October 2007), and taking an estimated 3.3 percent share of the important C-MAV segment. The new Mazda 5 facelift is set to continue this success with a refreshed design, a new automatic transmission, more individualised Sports Appearance Package, a more sophisticated interior finish, more comfort and convenience, new suspension settings for optimised handling, improved fuel economy and lower CO2 emissions.

See also:

Hazardous Driving
Driving on Slippery Surface WARNING: Be extremely careful if it is necessary to downshift on slippery surfaces: Downshifting into lower gear while driving on slippery surfaces is dangerous. The ...

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Розповім вам вельми неприємну і водночас цікаву історію, яка трапилася з власником автомобіля Mazda 6. Для покупців автомобілів класу «преміум», до якого відноситься цей автомобіль, велике ...

Essential Safety Equipment
Use of safety equipment, including seats, seat belt system, child-restraint systems and SRS air bags. ...